About CSN

CSN Vision:
A world that is safe for children and where effective parenting and resources are easily available without cost.
CSN’s Mission:
Our mission is to reduce the likelihood of children becoming victims of abuse, abduction, exploitation, youth violence and preventable injury. Our goal is to help parents raise safer, healthier children by developing and implementing child safety and parenting programs on a global basis; acting as a true “network” and collaborating without ego with other effective organizations towards the ultimate goal of creating generations of children who are happy, healthy, and secure.
Core Values:
1. We are accountable to make it happen.
2. We want our partners to succeed and try whenever possible to help make our colleagues successful so that our organization as a whole can achieve success.
3. We communicate openly, honestly, directly, and with respect.
4. We embrace continuous learning and change.
5. We operate from a healthy state of mind.
6. We act with integrity. We behave with integrity. Integrity is defined as “soundness, incorruptibility and a firm adherence to a code of ethics”. Our integrity demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses in our character. People of integrity are honest and genuine in their dealings with others. People of integrity hold fast to their commitments, rather than their desires. We make many commitments to ourselves and to our community. At CSN, we understand that at certain times, these commitments are in conflict. At these times of conflict, we must work to remain steadfast to our true and deep commitments. We must bring these conflicts to the light and work with each other to resolve them. We strive to live a life of integrity.
7. Compassionate Confrontation and Conflict Resolution. In all collaborations and human interactions there is bound to be conflict. How these conflicts are resolved is one of the corner stones of an organization’s strength or weakness. We believe in conflict resolution via “compassionate confrontation” in a context of peace and respect. Confrontation is defined as “to bring face to face, to cause to meet, a clashing of ideas.” In the context of CSN, we believe in confrontations that occur with compassion in order to achieve a higher understanding with mutually beneficial results. Compassionate confrontation requires compassionate listening. We understand that compassionate confrontation is a healthy ingredient to human interactions. Confrontation is honest. Confrontation creates opportunities for change. We embrace compassionate confrontation. We confront each other with a loving and compassionate intent.