Haiti Hunger Crisis News: Children Go to School Starving

Marvie Basilan, The Christian Post
School is a refuge for many children in Haiti as it is the facility that provides them hope for tomorrow and it gives them the passion to one day become life changers in a country where light, cold, and food are all scarce.
Pritchard and Dana Adams are members of the Rehoboth Ministries, a group that aims to alleviate the Haiti people from their woes in the form of various projects, including building facilities for schools, and the crowd favorite, a feeding program for children.
“We had children that were fainting in school because of the heat and coming with an empty stomach, and we had a burden for years to be able to feed them,” she said.
Although the couple have started the feeding program, their resources weren’t enough to feed all the children under the schools associated with their organization. Dana said they prayed and prayed until God answered their pleas through CBN’s Orphan’s Promise, an organization under the news network that offers funds for feeding programs.
Two of the schools have been funded by the organization, and while 900 students are eating enough food per day, there are still 300 more that need nutritious food to last the long and scorching day.
Dana said the children who ate nutritious meals prepared by the organization’s cooks were more attentive in class and were more cooperative compared to the past weeks when they came to class with empty stomachs.
Meanwhile, another group, Meds and Foods for Kids (MFK), saw the need to help rear more healthy children for Haiti’s bright future.
Founder Dr. Patricia Wolff and her team started creating food supplements in 2003 to help energize the kids and help lessen malnourished kids in the country. Called “miracle supplements,” the mixture had peanuts, powdered milk, sugar, oil, and other vitamins and minerals. With 100 kilograms for 10 kids per month, the children started being more alert and a whole bunch of malnourished children were cured from malnutrition.
The hunger crisis in Haiti continues as many children who don’t go to the schools under Rehoboth Ministries or those who haven’t heard of Wolff’s supplements are still starving and slowly dying.
“What we need to do in Haiti is go beyond rescue; we need to rescue people who are likely to die and don’t have enough nutritious food to eat,” Wolff said.