Sandi received her Master’s Degree in Child Development and Education from Columbia University and is an award winning internationally acclaimed educator, author, inspirational speaker and parent coach. Her esteemed career spans more than forty years with a passion for understanding the inner world and outer behavior of children. She helps CSN provide insights on what kids need from adults to develop into healthy, resilient and successful people. For parents, CSN strongly recommends her book “Authentic Parenting Power’ . Among her many accolades is an Excellence in Leadership Award from the New York State Child Care Coordinating Council in recognition of her courage and leadership in dealing with events on September 11, 2001. Sandi is committed to helping parents, educators and communities meet the cognitive, emotional, behavioral and social needs of children so they are free to soar and continue to thrive in today’s challenging world which includes coaching on how to deal with the pandemic and your children. Media and individuals may book Sandi as a speaker or schedule personal assistance by contacting: Click here to download Sandi’s FREE eBook, Emotionally Healthy Discipline