Over the past 35 years of child advocacy work Leber has developed a wide variety of programs and services for charitable purposes; many of which have been recognized and recorded in the Library of Congress. Some of those projects include work with The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, The U.S. Department of Transportation, The National Highway Traffic Safety Association, The U.S. Department of Justice, The U.S. Postal Service, The United Nations, The House, and Senate, along with various other local and national charitable organizations. Mr. Leber has been given written congressional recognition on 36 occasions for his innovation and expertise on pediatric injury prevention and child advocacy work. Leber is certified by the Department of Homeland Security to train and certify transportation professionals in Anti-Terrorism. Focusing on student transportation safety, Leber has led the Bipartisan effort for the past seven years to receive annual unanimous yes votes for the National School Bus Safety Month Campaign from all U.S. Senators. Mr. Leber has testified before Congress as an expert witness on the use of federal funds for missing and abused children. Mr. Leber was formerly appointed by (then) Senator Pete Wilson to the U.S. Attorney General’s Advisory Board on missing and exploited children. He has also developed a number of award-winning public service announcements for radio, television, and print using nationally recognized celebrities and leaders in government. Mr. Leber has launched statewide and national cooperative child safety educational campaigns and written a number of publications on safety distributed to tens of millions of parents via CSN, PTA, and major corporate sponsors. Leber has won numerous awards. Leber is also a Hixson Fellow and Dunlop fellow for Kiwanis International and worked for more than 10 years on the “Young Children Priority One” project for Kiwanis. Leber also worked with former President Carter to build 100 homes in one week for Habitat for Humanity in Mexico and is the original creator of the Child Safety Info Pack©, The Child Safety Day™, The National Child Safety Award™, SaferTogether™ and other technology efforts to make America a safer place for children to live. Leber serves on a number of charitable advisory boards. Ward was selected as the Senior Board Advisor to Global Walk Corporation, whose mission is to inspire hope, share spiritual wisdom, and render aid to the needy through walking and praying for children and world peace. The core values of CSN and Global Walk Corporation align in the focus of the welfare and safety of children across the globe.