What Kids In The Hospital Are Grateful For This Thanksgiving

Caroline Bologna, The Huffington Post
Thanksgiving is a time for kids to share what they’re grateful for — from their families to their pets to their favorite toys. But for children who have spent a significant time in the hospital this year, the traditional thankful list can encompass so much more.
Children’s Healthcare Of Atlanta (CHOA) asked a group of young patients and parents to write down what they were thankful for this year, and their answers really put a lot into perspective. While the kids were grateful for family, friends and pets, they also gave thanks for things like nurses, a heart transplant and “not dying.”
A representative for CHOA told The Huffington Post, “Together, these brave kids and their families show us that if you can count ‘good health’ among the things you’re grateful for this year, the rest of your worries are really just the small stuff.”