7 perfect moments when you know you are doing parenting right

There are times in your life when you can see all of the work and effort you put into parenting pay off. The lessons you’ve said over and over again to your child actually got through, and they are practicing them on their own.
Here are 7 moments when you know you are doing parenting right:
1. When your kids say please and thank you
Sometimes it is hard to teach kids manners, but by constantly reminding them and by having good manners yourself, they can learn. It is a parenting success when they remember to say please and thank you on their own.
2. When your kids like playing with each other
Nothing makes me happier than seeing my kids play with each other nicely. I want their friendship to last their whole lives and in order for it to do so, it needs to start when they are young.
When they are playing, it means they are getting along, they are building friendships and having adventures together. You can encourage your kids to play, and teach them what is and is not appropriate when playing with each other, and find activities that they can do together.
3. When your kids share with others
Sharing is an act of love. Some kids do it because they know they have to, but the goal is to have them want to share what they have with others.
It is so satisfying when one child will ask for 2 of something so they can give one to their sibling or friend. It means they are not only thinking of themselves, but of someone that they want to be just as happy as them.
It is even better when they give what they have to someone else to use for a while. They can recognize that the other person wants it, and they are willing to stop using it themselves so the other person can be happy.
4. When your kids are happy
Sometimes the simple fact that your kids are happy is enough to know you are winning at being a parent.
While kid’s lives seem so simple and carefree, there are a lot of things that can stress them out or cause them to be upset. But if they are genuinely happy kids, then you are doing your job right.
5. When your kids want to help others
When your kids see someone in need and asks to help, that is a big step in the right direction. We should be teaching our kids to have compassion and that by helping others, we are showing love and making the world a better place.
To see these lessons actually take affect by having your kid act first when seeing someone who needs help, is wonderful.
6. When your kids come to you with their problems
When your child has a problem they can either hide it from you, or come to you for advice and help.
I hope that my children will always feel comfortable telling me their problems, and that we can discuss them together. I want to be the one helping my children through their difficult times, which is one of the greatest privileges of being a mom, to be there for my kids when they really need me.
Having those deep conversations and teaching my kids how to problem solve builds bounds and trust that will carry with them into adulthood.
7. When your kids are excited to learn
I may not have a kid genius, but as long as my child enjoys learning I feel that is a parenting win.
If they like to learn, then they can do anything. When a child is resistant to trying new things, it can enable them for the rest of their lives. It is important to help your child nurture their desire to learn and encourage them to try new things.
Sometimes it can take years for some of these moments to occur, but when they do, they are precious. It is proof that you are doing something right between all the diaper changes, temper tantrums, and playdates.