Milwaukee kids held at gunpoint, robbed of new hoverboards

A hot new toy is being stolen from kids across the country, and it’s now happening in Milwaukee.
WISN 12 News reporter Christina Palladino spoke to a mom whose two kids were held up at gunpoint and robbed of their brand new hoverboards.
“He put the gun in the back of my little daughter’s head who’s 7,” Ceree Hall said.
Hall was describing how her 7- and 11-year-old daughters were held at gunpoint as they played on the sidewalk near their home at 40th and Wright streets.
They had brand new hoverboards — the latest high-tech toy on the market.
“This is crazy. I can’t believe it happened that quick. (I) can’t believe it happened right here in front of everybody. There was plenty of people out here,” Hall said.
Hall just bought the hoverboards for her girls over the weekend.
Police told WISN 12 News three people, one of whom had a gun, approached the girls and demanded the hoverboards.
“He snatched it from under her. She almost fell, but she caught her balance,” Hall said.
Milwaukee police said they’re aware of at least one other theft of a hoverboard. In other major cities, several hoverboards have also been stolen at gunpoint.
The owner of a shop near 41st Street and North Avenue said he doesn’t put them on display and didn’t want to do an interview for fear of being robbed.
Hall wants parents to be aware of what happened to her kids before they rush out to get them for Christmas.
“Never in my wildest dreams did I think my kids would be getting robbed out here,” Hall said.
Most hoverboards are available online. Many of them start at $300 or $400.
Experts said to be aware of knockoffs that malfunction easily.