Parenting Alert: 3 Hidden Dangers In Your Home That Could Harm Your Child

Seventeen-month-old Jagger Smith is a typical child, so he gets into things.
His mother, Erin Smith, 34, says her son gets into the cabinet, the dishwasher, the toilet, and he’ll try to climb into the tub, so she and her husband have all the proper safety locks to protect Jagger from himself.
Homes are full of dangers that parents may not be aware of, despite their diligence.
To illustrate the problem, “GMA” took the child locks off the kitchen cabinets, put a GoPro camera on Jagger and let him roam free to see just what would happen.
Jagger quickly got into the cabinets and drawers, and he had some help to get into the refrigerator. He didn’t need help to get into the dishwasher, and that’s a big danger.
1. The dishwasher. The door of the dishwasher can bump a child’s head. The appliance provides easy access to sharp knives and the detergent can be dangerous. Dishwasher detergent packets can look similar to laundry detergent packets — which can resemble candy and have injured hundreds of children.
2. Batteries. Of the battery ingestions between 1997 and 2010, 20,000 were for button batteries, the tiny lithium batteries that, when swallowed, get stuck in the throat, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Saliva triggers a chemical reaction that can burn the esophagus.
3. Mouthwash. According to ABC News’ Chief Health and Medical editor Dr. Richard Besser, the inactive ingredient in mouthwash is alcohol — as much as 21 percent. The alcohol found in mouthwash -– and in hand sanitizers –- can cause alcohol poisoning.