Hypnotism is the latest weird parenting trend

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A professional hypnotist claims she can use her powers of persuasion to make even the worst-behaved kids act like angels.
“Hypnosis and parenting is a natural combination,” hypnotist and mother of three Lisa Machenberg told Barcroft Media.
“If we learn hypno-parenting, we learn how to hypnotise our children to be cooperative, peaceful, have containment and have good study habits because they have focus and have more resilience out there in the world.”
But this parenting aid doesn’t come cheap.
Machenberg, 56, charges $125 an hour. She claims to have hypnotized more than 1,000 kids over 23 years.
Machenberg, from Malibu, Calif., said her husband and kids are often under her spell.
“I hypnotize my children and my husband to do things for my benefit all the time,” she said.
“We have a household to run. Many times, I exert influence so my children are able to get their chores done, so this house runs efficiently.”
Machenberg’s children think Mom’s mind games can be a bit much to handle.
“It could get a little crazy when she tries to hypnotise us at every single possible situation that she can,” son Jake Ney, 19, said. “It could get a little overbearing — she gets in your head.”
Husband and dad Bryan Ney says he doesn’t mind.
“I see no downside to having Lisa hypnotize family members, but maybe that’s because she’s hypnotized me to think so,” he deadpanned.
Machenberg said she’d never use her skills to help parents force kids to do something they shouldn’t be doing.
“We can . . . hypnotize our children to be the best that they can be, “ said Machenberg, who once appeared on Bravo TV’s “Guide to Extreme Parenting.”
“We can solve conflicts in a wonderful, peaceful way that creates not just good children, but helps them grow into good adults.”