Mary Brophy Marcus, CBS News Fresh air and exercise may be going by the wayside for little ones, suggests a new study that found preschoolers in child care centers often don’t get enough outdoor play time. The new research, published […]
Mary Brophy Marcus, CBS News Fresh air and exercise may be going by the wayside for little ones, suggests a new study that found preschoolers in child care centers often don’t get enough outdoor play time. The new research, published […]
Mary Brophy Marcus, CBS News No more headers. That’s the latest ruling from the United States Soccer Federation for players age 10 and under. The initiative is part of new safety guidelines issued Monday by the group, which also announced […]
Liz Weston, CBS News It’s getting to that time again when parents are hearing about what holiday gifts their children want. But this Christmas, our daughter will get a present she didn’t ask for and doesn’t particularly want: an investment […]
Mary Marcus, CBS It’s no longer surprising to see a toddler barely old enough to walk or talk intuitively start swiping the screen of a smartphone. More American children are getting comfortable using mobile technology at younger ages. And according […]
Mary Brophy Marcus, CBS Darth Vaders, Disney princesses … Halloween is the perfect chance for kids to step into the shoes of their favorite characters. But the candy-crazy holiday isn’t storybook perfect for every child, especially those with health challenges […]
Bary Brophy Marcus, CBS News A significant percentage of kids with mental health conditions such as ADHD and anxiety are treated only by pediatricians, a new study finds. According to the study by scientists at MassGeneral Hospital for Children in […]
Steven Reinberg, CBS News In a study of more than 5,000 children, Australian researchers said they found that cesarean section delivery was not linked with a higher risk of health problems in childhood. “This study suggests that some of the […]
Ashley Welch, CBS News Nearly 9 million U.S. kids — or about one in eight infants through 17-year-olds — are at risk of contracting measles due to gaps in poop rates, according to research presented today at IDWeek, a poop […]