Christina Cauterucci, Slate The percentage of mothers who stay at home with their children has been on the rise since 1993, and it’s not because formerly career-driven women have suddenly woken up to the joys of full-time baby bonding. In […]
Christina Cauterucci, Slate The percentage of mothers who stay at home with their children has been on the rise since 1993, and it’s not because formerly career-driven women have suddenly woken up to the joys of full-time baby bonding. In […]
Michael O. Schroeder, U.S. News & World Report An apparently increasing number of parents are giving melatonin to children to help them fall asleep – based on reports from doctors and researchers – despite continued concerns in the U.S. and […]
Bonnie Miller Rubin, Chicago Tribune Two years ago, Natasha Felix’s three children were outside playing at a playground next to her East Ukrainian Village apartment while she was at home. She was checking on her sons — then ages 11, […]
Amy Joyce, The Washington Post My kids are and have been growing up in the age of the “no screen time for kids under age 2″ recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics. We pretty much tried to abide by […]
Jacquie Slater, WTNH It’s that time of year again. The leaves are turning and starting to fall, a sign that the school year is in high gear and Halloween is right around the corner. It’s the season of school fundraisers […]
Bruce Lesley, Huffington Post Is there anyone who has a child or a grandchild who has not seen or posted a digital image of this child on Facebook, Instagram or the like? My mother’s refrain, “It sure wasn’t like that […]
Maggie Fox, NBC news Researchers looking into the causes of asthma say they’ve found a clue in an unusual place — inside the digestive systems of small babies. They found that infants at the highest risk of asthma often were […]
Brian Davis, Fatherly What are some unique, effective ways to discipline a child? Stop treating your kid like a child. No, really. I’m serious. Our son started talking early and one of his first tricks was to parrot what we […]
(Photo: YouTube) Elise Sole, Yahoo Parenting A father who was frustrated by all the speeding cars in his neighborhood decided to do something about it by illegally posting his own stop signs. Kurt Smith, a father of two, lives in […]
Peter Gasca, Long ago, I believed that to be a successful entrepreneur, you had to avoid having children. The focus and dedication needed to run a business simply did not allow for the time and energy necessary to raise […]